Hello everybody! It is a beautiful fall/almost-winter morning here in Yungay, and I am happy to send this letter out to you. It has been a mountainous week in the mission field, but it is certainly one that I wouldn't trade for the world. The life of a missionary is one of tremendous spiritual peaks followed by deep and often times surprisingly long spiritual valleys, and it appears to be in the latter for now. BUT! This week was a joy to live, and I learned so much, its not even funny. Its really awesome really, how the Lord has chosen to help little old me to grow in this time through these specific experiences.

Regardless, I hope that for you all it has been a marvelous week of spiritual Everests, because chilling rain, appointments falling like the London Bridge, and broken commitments aren't that fun to live through, all being said.

¡Bueno! This week had a strong theme of a gospel principle that is absolutely crucial to every single part of the Restored Church of Jesus Christ. I am talking about faith in the Savior Jesus Christ, which has been, is, and will always be the abiding principle of the true church. Absolutely, it has to be at the center of what we do and who we are. It was difficult for me to find specific taks and sections that speak on faith, because it is such a vital part of every single other gospel principle. This eternal trust in things that are not seen but are true  spurs us on to obedience, gives us hope, and enlightens our minds with purpose.

We must develop this faith, or else we have nothing. In other words, if we have faith centered on the Rock of our Redeemer, there is no thing that can't be done, and no storm that can't be weathered. Despair, confusion, and iniquity in general are antithesis to faith, and many times in the scripture are the words ``Do not fear,``  ``Doubt not,`` ```Be not afraid,`` ``Have faith, doubting nothing``. and so on and so forth. This faith is to be nurtured in times of plenty and times of need, but if we have it, we shall never walk alone or in fear or in the many other negative states that are so common in the world.

If we have faith in Christ, it supplements every other part of our lives. Our scripture reading becomes incredibly potent, and we receive the exact truths that we and others we know and love need to here. Our prayers become sincere, our communication with our Father in Heaven becomes something wonderful to behold. Everyday living becomes something miraculous.

In no way does having faith mean that we won't have problems. But like Job of old, with faith, we can say that whatever thing passes our way, I will rejoice in the Lord. I KNOW, that my Redeemer liveth. We don't gain miraculous liberation from every problem, though the faithful will certainly receive blessings of that sort, but we do gain the kind of trust and hope in the Lord that we need to pass through and overcome with our testimonies unshaken and our lives unimaginably blessed.

One of my greatest heroes now is the Brother of Jared from the Book of Mormon. I want, more than many other things I have ever wanted, to have a faith as rock solid as his. The faith he possessed was unprecedented, and in return he received miracles and blessings that were equally incredible. The first part of Ether chapter 3 really expresses the magnificent trust and confidence he displayed in the Lord. By sheer faith alone, and Jeffrey R Holland describes the experience far better than I in his book ´Christ and the New Covenant,´ the Brother of Jared had an experience of seeing the premortal Savior in a way that had never before come to pass. Wow.

Like Indiana Jones, we must be willing to take that leap of faith, and if we do, our faith will definitely be rewarded.

Yungay has many problems right now, and the work is very difficult, but carrying on in faith is the only answer. We are experiencing trials and challenges, but I know, that persevering will bring incredibly blessings.

This week, I had the pleasure to have a long lesson with Hermano Luis Salazar, the great man that was baptized in March. He is an inspiring figure for me, his faith especially. This is a man, that despite only having two months in the church, wants more than anything to go to the Temple and be sealed with his family for time and all eternity. This is a man, that when we teach a lesson on forgiveness and forgiving others, immediately applies it in his life, despite the painful blow to the pride it must have taken. He is a giant, spiritually speaking, since not many Chileans are that big literally. He has the faith, and I know tremendous blessings are in store for him. Nothing will stand in the way of this great man as he moves forward in faith for himself and his family. He is also quite funny.

I would like to close with the lyrics of a hymn that I heard right as I began my studies this morning.

  1. 1. Lead, kindly Light, amid th'encircling gloom;
    Lead thou me on!
    The night is dark, and I am far from home;
    Lead thou me on!
    Keep thou my feet; I do not ask to see
    The distant scene--one step enough for me.
  2. 2. I was not ever thus, nor pray'd that thou
    Shouldst lead me on.
    I loved to choose and see my path; but now,
    Lead thou me on!
    I loved the garish day, and, spite of fears,
    Pride ruled my will. Remember not past years.
  3. 3. So long thy pow'r hath blest me, sure it still
    Will lead me on
    O'er moor and fen, o'er crag and torrent, till
    The night is gone.
    And with the morn those angel faces smile,
    Which I have loved long since, and lost awhile!

I love you all, and hope this new week proves to be a faith building, faith sustaining, and faith rewarding week for you all!

Elder Richardson