Monday, July 14, 2014

June 16

Wow, what a week! I can't say that I have had a week completely like it during the rest of my eleven months in the mission. It has been something that I will never forget, and the memories will last for the rest of my life.

Where to start? Well, for all the fathers in the world, especially my dear own Dad, I want to wish a great Happy Father's Day! Chileans celebrate with just as much love and affection as Americans, with a special World Cup flair to it. Countless fathers received Chile mugs, flags, or soccer balls. I think its a great tradition. We should have the world cup every year.

Speaking of that grand festival of futbol currently raging in Brazil, it has been crazy to witness the effects it can have on a spanish speaking country. The world has gone crazy with red, blue, and white, and every single television and radio is fine tuned to the games. It was so crazy that any attempt to proselyte or contact on Friday was absolutely lost, people yelling at us ''No puedo entender, Vamos Chile!'' as they ran by with bags of chips and other party treats. Even when Chile wasn't playing, lessons would be delayed or cancelled as other countries have played. I have fully joined in on the craziness, setting up my own chart of who is playing who, and predicting my own winners. We have a flag prominently displayed in our house now, and have gotten very good at cheering 'GOOOOOOOOOOOL!' whenever the occasion strikes. 

Its a hilarious contrast that with the constant animo and good cheer that the Chilenos have for the World Cup, this week was a bit of a downer! Heavy rain and wind storms pounded down as lesson after lesson fell through. We're all hoping that despite the bad weather on the horizon, we'll be able to press forward with faith and hope to conquer every hill in our way (And in Santa Sabina, there are a whole lot of hills!).

The highlight of the week was centered around Futbol, with all of us hiding in our house, essentially throwing a house party of our own and watching Joseph Smith, Prophet of the Restoration during the game. We enjoyed Papa John's pizza and though we wanted to be working, cracked plenty of jokes and had a relatively good time.

After a bit of a depressing start, I found unexpected aid during the week from the bible. Reading psalms and proverbs, finding many that could apply to my life and my situation was surprisingly therapuetic, as well as a general scripture study of what I am fighting for personally. My stud district leader was responsable for both of those suggestions, and it really helped out a lot. It amazes me constantly just how applicable these books are in our lives, every single time, no matter the situation.

I also regained appreciation for the video that the church released, se llama Thanks To Him. A link is here, .  I have found that the church produced videos lately have been of the highest quality, and does wonders to animate the missionaries and the investigators and everyone else to greater levels. I am very grateful for these messages.

Well, that should be everything! As this week progresses, things should turn for the better. Hopefully the World Cup doesn't interfere as much this week! 
With love and prayers for all of you,
Elder Richardson

P.S. I'm seeing advertisements everywhere for How To Train Your Dragon 2, and I am honestly more homesick for that then for any other happening in my mission. I'm more excited for that than for the World Cup.

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